Welcome to the Flow Fusion Academy, where transformative experiences await you. Our academy is dedicated to providing a unique and holistic approach to movement through our signature Flow Fusion classes.

At the heart of our academy is the commitment to emotional liberation, deep inner connections, and a captivating journey of physical exploration. In our classes, participants go beyond conventional boundaries, embracing and expressing their emotions fully, fostering connections that extend far beyond the physical realm.

The Flow Fusion Academy is more than just a space for movement; it's a community where individuals forge meaningful bonds and a profound sense of unity. Through our virtual sessions, participants have the opportunity to explore a captivating journey of physical discovery, unlocking exhilarating sensations and cultivating an expansive playground for authentic, ever-evolving movements.

In addition to the joyous exploration of movement, our academy taps into the inner music of each participant, encouraging a harmonious connection between body, mind, and soul. As you flow through our classes, you'll tap into boundless energy reserves, learning to channel and transform your vitality in ways that contribute to sustained well-being.

Join us at the Flow Fusion Academy and embark on an extraordinary voyage of self-discovery, growth, and the joy of deep inner connections. It's not just about the movement; it's about creating a transformative experience that resonates far beyond the screen.

My pleasure to share love with you beautiful people, thanks a lot Jérôme for the opportunity to get this so special safe space, it mean so much to me

A wonderful playground where I can (re)discover my movability. Not doing, just being. Being danced. No work, just play! Freedom. 

I totally support what you’ve moved within me, because that is the gift I gave myself.

What Jerôme’s class brings me is a place of transformation and recycling of my emotions, through the body. I’m more self-aware in relationship as a result. It also strengthens my faith in human connection, because of the fun and kindness that develops.

In this space I can safely practice how to bring the relationship between my body and my mind into one of More equal and Playful cooperation, rather than one of discipline and domination. I become aware – can notice how – my Body/mind are always in dialogue, never static, and I am encouraged to move in the flow – yin/yang – without judgement or resistance. At least, that’s the goal 

Getting over mental boundaries about being close to others

Interacting with others on a different level also helps me deal with daily social interaction
Chronic pain management, making it easier for my body to return to a natural flow state
And feeling more at ease in my own body

Magical, just magical. The space: created by beautiful souls and their energies. The body is indeed sore today! And the emotional body allows some soreness too, some sadness to sit along with the amazement of receiving love 

Yes. And yesterday’s ending ceremony was the cherry on top. How important it is to be invited and to invite ourselves to connect and treat each other with kindness, love and care. We all know that as human beings and the mamals we are that this helps us thrive. To the soul (I don’t know her name) who thought of inviting us to do this process.

I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed and appreciated the class – the community the safe space the JOY in the body!  You have (co) created something special 

So what really helps me as a musician is first the connection with my body, which i believe is integral in a performance, being musical or not, beyond that you also explore communication with your colleagues in a different way, as the same you would do in a improvisation in music, you would explore the movements and geometry of your own body in relation to another, counterpoint… so for me is also an ludic way of doing the same i would do in musical dialogue, but without all the self judgments and technical struggles with instruments

Hi, I’m Jérôme

Also known as the Dancing Monk Wizard, I have earned this nickname by assisting thousands of students in achieving bulletproof health, an unstoppable mindset, and supercharged vitality. One of my notable achievements is dancing on five continents and in 32 countries over the past three decades without sustaining any injuries.

The unique approach I am sharing with you here incorporates highly responsive breath forms and movement knowledge derived from the finest yogic, dance, and martial techniques. These techniques have been simplified into mini classes through years of my dedicated daily practice.

My mission is to enhance the health of one million individuals by providing them with biohacking strategies, mindset development, and movement knowledge.